Monday, February 2, 2009


I used to work in bars and restaurants in Ireland and one thing no one liked doing at the end of the night was cleaning the toilets. The state of them was diabolical even on the quieter nights, but they would be checked every hour or so in case they needed a quick clean. In any case, before we went home they would be spick and span as we did not have the luxury of a cleaning lady who would do everything in the morning and all we would have had to worry about was the bar and restocking it. I say this because I worked in a few bars in Spain that had a cleaning lady in the morning apart from Sundays, so no one ever bothered with the jacks. That's why it was no great surprise to find scummy toilets in other bars. But what I don't understand is that absolutely no one seems to give a shit, no pun intended. I mean, I have seen toilets, often only inches away from the kitchen, that are impossible to describe and staying in them for longer than a few seconds would require hospitalisation or maybe even quarantine. Since most bars are also restaurants this seems even more baffling, because apart from the obvious health scare, if you have to make a sanitary stop during, or more politely, before your meal this will put you off for the rest of the week. I am talking months old shit stuck to the pot, phleghm on the walls, no seats, probably no paper, because the last person to change the toilet paper couldn't possibly have missed the state of he cubicles, etc. etc. And beware if you touch any surface, the sniffer dogs will have you by the balls. And that's just the gents.... I better stop because I am making myself sick again.
Ashley, he' such a moan, so negative! Possibly, but I like clean toilets and I am proud of it!

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